Welcome to codingwithdrew.com! Today, I'm going to walk you through the process of building an application from the ground up, using The Purple Piggy Bank (TPPB) as a case study. We'll cover …
What is the best language to learn first and why did you say Bash?
Learn Bash and linux command line with no prior knowledge Introduction Hey there! My name is Drew and I write long articles no one ever reads about languages and technologies I'm learning. …
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My notes for AWS Cloud Certified Solutions Architect Associate
According to Payscale.com, someone with the skillsets proven by the Amazon Web Services Cloud Certified Solutions architect associate makes on average $130,883 in the US and Canada. Getting …
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How to customize your ZSH terminal with Bash
Have you ever seen someone with a custom terminal prompt with cool colors and wanted to do it but didn't know how? I hope this guide will be another outlet to your creativity! I have tried ohmyZsh …
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Troubleshooting APIs
Today, we are going to play around with an API from recipepuppies.com which isn't a perfect API - the intention is to learn how to navigate problems you may come across with APIs. Hopefully, you will …
Ajax & APIs
APIs allow you to interact with some big data platforms like twitter and pull their data to your application, then display it. To pull data from a website, they first have to offer a web API. …