APIs allow you to interact with some big data platforms like twitter and pull their data to your application, then display it. To pull data from a website, they first have to offer a web API. …
Async, Await, & Recursion
Sidebar, the formatting is intentionally different between this article and the last one, while I nail down with intention which one I prefer. I'd love to hear your preference in the comments or on …
Async Await
In this project, we will be working with promises. Specifically, we are going to use with async & await to build a prompt interface. When someone clicks on something on the page, we want them to …
Javascript IOU – Promises
The solution to callback purgatory is promises. Promises are the idea of an IOU for something that will happen in the future. When we request a timer, api to reply, microphone or camera to be …
Event Loops & Callbacks
Javascript is asynchronous - let's talk about how the event loop works. Everything in Javascript is asynchronous, but what does that mean? Javascript is a single thread language that can only run …
Javascript `this` keyword
So far, this has only been described as meaning the thing to the left of the .thiswhich it was called on. To make this a little less mystifying, I'm going to explain it in terms you may understand …